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자세의 종류 : 바른자세/이상적인 정렬/Balanced Posture

by 둔근해 2021. 5. 19.


출처 : http://fixtheneck.com/posture_types

1. Balanced Posture
The stability of neutral, balanced posture begins at the feet. The weight of the body—felt as the force of gravity trying to pull us down toward the center of the Earth—should be supported equally between the front (or ball) of the foot, and the heel of the foot, as seen in side views. Thus, the "plumb line point of reference," falls midway between the ball of the foot and the heel, just in front of the ankle (lateral malleolus). The plumb line also represents the line of gravity, which passes through the body's "center of gravity" and down to the support surface or ground. The "center of gravity" is an imaginary point at the center of the mass or weight (on Earth) of a body where all the downward force on a body’s mass appears to be concentrated. In Ideal/Balanced posture, the plumb line should pass through the whole body center of gravity (COG), which is located in the lower trunk just in front of the sacrum (vertebra that attaches lower back to the pelvis) and through the lumbar spine. If the line of gravity passes in front of the lumbar spine, there is pressure (called torque) for the spine to bend forward at the waist. And unless the lumbar spine extensor muscles are strong, the lumbar spine will not be able to resist bending forward. In the case of the thoracic spine, the line of gravity always passes in front of it. Thus the thoracic spine is always under pressure to bend forward, and unless thoracic back extensor muscles are kept strong, the result will be hunched back.  허리를 펴주는 힘이 약하다면 허리는 앞으로 접히는 것에 저항할 수 없게 된다.  이러한 경우에 흉추는 중력 중심선 앞으로 가게 된다. 흉추는 항상 앞으로 접히려는 힘이 있어 흉추를 펴주는 등의 신전근이 계속해서 강하지 못하다면 결과적으로 헌치백(굽은등)이 될 수 밖에 음따..

음 읽어보니 당연한 말인데 괜ㅇ히....

As people age, their postural muscles like other muscles of the body lose mass, a condition called "sarcopenia근감소증". This is one of the reasons that older people often have progressive worsening악화 of hunched backs, unless they work on strengthening their back muscles with resistance exercise.

If the center of gravity of the head is very forward of the line of gravity such as in forward head posture, the inward lordotic curve과신전? of the neck may straighten over time, unless the neck extensors pulling the cervical spine backward (in a lordotic curve) are strong enough to resist. 경추를 뒤로 당겨주는 경추신근들이 앞으로 나오는 머리를 충분히 당겨줄 만큼 강하지 못하다면 머리는 중심선 앞으로 계속 나올 것. 

In ideal, balanced human posture in side view, the plumb line/line of gravity, should pass through the following points: ear canal, midway through the shoulder, bodies of the lumbar vertebra, hip joint, knee joint, and just in front of ankle. (Kendall et al.)

켄달책에서 말하길 외이도(귓구멍), 어깨, 요추, 고관절, 슬관절, 그리고 발목의 앞부분이 중심선라인과 일치해야 이상적인 자세라고 말함. 


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